Christopher Heyerdahl recently spoke with SciFi Wire about Season 2 of Sanctuary. He gives some details about episode 9, Penance, and some details on Michael Shank's role of Jimmy. Christopher also give some general spoilers about the season and some more detailed information about an episode that he was reading the script for at the time of the interview an episode that will give more insight into Druitt.

This episode may be episode 10 as the only remaining episodes at the time of the interview were episode 10, episode 11, which is a Tesla ep and the the finale eps 12 & 13.

For all the spoilery goodness get yourself over to Syfy and check out the SciFi Wire article.


I have a couple of Twitters to catch up on so I'm leaving this here until I can come back and edit it with the details. Today is a bad vision day for me so hopefully by tomorrow I'll be able to manage more computer time.


From Jaclyn on Twitter :

"Learned to Bollywood dance with Robin Dunne today for the #Sanctuary season finale!! F.U.N.!!!"


From Robin on Twitter :

"Barby @ TCB's place. Now to bed. Start Ep 12/13 tomorrow!!!!!

about 20 hours ago"


From Jaclyn on Twitter :

"Wonders if it's safe to breathe yet... Busy day in #Sanctuary land on the final day of prep for eps 212/213. Busy few weeks still to come.."


The Sci Fi Japan website has a new video promoting Sanctuary called Closeup 1. It has various scenes from Season 1 dubbed in Japanese and then has clips from the cast in Japan and on the streets in Tokyo filming.

The video can be viewed on the Sci Fi Japan website.


From Damian on Facebook :

"wrote till 3 am last night. By the end, might as well been writing in Old Norse for all the sense it made... (With apologies to all Norsepeople)"


Carole Appleby (Sanctuary PR) has posted on Twitter that they have recorded some new interviews for the Season 1 DVD extras.

"just finished shooting extra interview footage for #Sanctuary season 1 DVD bonus features. VFX r just cool."


The Sanctuary crew have created an external set depicting Mumbai slums for the season finale.

From Jaclyn on Twitter :
"Loves that she can see the slums of Mumbai out the back window..."


Sanctuary continues to spread worldwide and will commence Season 1 in Poland on AXN starting 11 July, 2009.

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